Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Hot Chocolate

Hot chocolate - the drink of the season, i think most of us will agree. Nowadays, there’s sooo much variation on this classic beverage. Have it plain, with whipped cream and marshmallows, milk chocolate, Belgium chocolate, white, or even Ruby (looking at you, Costa). In fact, this drink is so integrated in our culture, that it’s hard to imagine a time without it!

The original chocolate drink dates back to somewhere around 500 BC, with the Mayans. Although, this would probably not be recognised today as Hot Chocolate. For one, this drink was served cold.

The Mayans ground up the cocoa seeds into a paste and mixed it with water, cornmeal, chilis, and some other, currently unknown, ingredients. This mixture was then poured back and forth between two cups until a thick foam developed.

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