Sunday, January 22, 2023

Happy Chinese New Year!

Ahh, aren’t calendars a load of fun? What with their calculations, and odd number of days in a month, and almost always having a different counting system? Today being a prime example, as the Chinese New Year.

It’s always interesting to look at the history of calendars, like our current one, the Gregorian, named after Pope Gregory XIII who introduced it back in 1582, modifying the previously used Julian calendar. What’s interesting to note about the Julian calendar, was that it originally only held ten months (hence the names of the last five months). It was updated by Augustus Caesar, who inserted July (Julius’ month) and August (Augustus’ month), in his attempt to raise himself and his adopted father above the rest of the Roman Emperors.

And, then you have Chaos calendars, like the Mayan calendar, which ended in 2012, and caused all kinds of chaos worldwide!

But anyway, Happy Chinese New Year!

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